5 Ways To Get Rid Of Heel Spurs & Plantar Fasciitis

5 Ways To Get Rid Of Heel Spurs:Toronto Downtown Chiropractor

Battling with Heel Spur Discomfort?

If you’re waking up to the sharp pain of a heel spur, you’re not alone. Many people experience discomfort with their first steps in the morning, leading them to seek relief solutions.

Understanding Heel Spurs: Beyond the Surface

Heel spurs often get blamed for foot pain, including symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis. Despite common beliefs, an X-ray showing a heel spur isn’t always pinpointing the source of your discomfort. Surprisingly, heel spurs are typically a symptom rather than the cause of pain.

See Also:  Plantar Fasciitis

The Real Culprit: Plantar Fascia Causing Plantar Fasciitis

The actual source of the pain is usually the plantar fascia, the thick tissue connecting your heel to the ball of your foot. This tissue can pull on your heel bone, causing injuries that lead to calcium deposits and eventually, a heel spur.

When Heel Spurs Hurt

Although heel spurs themselves are not always painful, they can cause discomfort when they press into nearby soft tissues. However, this is less common compared to the issues caused by the plantar fasciitis

Rethinking Plantar Fasciitis: A Shift to Plantar Tendinopathy

For many suffering from plantar fasciitis or heel spurs, inflammation isn’t the main problem. Instead, the condition often involves the degeneration of collagen in the plantar fascia, now more accurately described as plantar tendinopathy.

Effective Exercises for Heel Spur Relief

Despite the daunting term “degenerating collagen,” there are proven exercises that can offer significant relief for heel spur pain caused by plantar fascia issues.

Heel Spur Exercises and Treatments

Addressing heel spur pain effectively requires a deep understanding of its root causes. By focusing on the health of the plantar fascia, individuals can find relief through targeted exercises designed to alleviate discomfort. For those struggling with heel spurs, exploring these solutions can be a step toward regaining comfort and mobility.

Heel Spur Exercises and Treatments

#1 Plantar Fascia Stripping:

Plantar fascia stripping involves utilizing your thumb or fingers with hard pressure from the bottom of your foot to the top of your foot.

  • Cross the bad side leg over the other knee.
  • Pull your first three toes backwards.
  • Take your other hand, and run your thumb up & down slowly along the fascia with firm, and hard, pressure.
  • Work the whole foot from the heel to the balls of the feet.

#2 Plantar Fascia Cross Friction

Cross-friction stripping involves running your fingers ACROSS the muscle fibres by using your thumb or fingers to move them from the edge of the sole, pushing your thumb approximately 2cm toward the middle of the foot.

  • Cross the bad side leg over the other knee.
  • Pull your first three toes backwards.
  • Take your other hand and, run your thumb from side to side across the fascia with firm, and hard, pressure.
  • Work the whole foot from the heel to the balls of the feet.

#3 Tennis Ball Release of Plantar Fascia

  • Find a tennis ball or golf ball then sit on a chair.
  • Push down on the ball with your foot.
  • When you find a sore spot stay with the spot until it is ironed out or it feels less tender.
  • Work the entire arch area of your foot (medial arch).

#4 Custom Orthotics

Some people need custom orthotics. You need custom orthotics if you have:

  • Collapsed arches stretch out the plantar fascia which causes your foot to pronate (flatten when you walk).
  • Your work involves lots of standing.
  • If you are a serious athlete.

#5 Go Bare Foot

If you don’t fit the above criteria for custom orthotics you might be able to go barefoot. That means you can go barefoot at home, in your backyard and at the beach. You might get a few funny looks if you go to work barefoot tomorrow, although you won’t have any foot odour problems as your foot can breathe properly.

This downtown Toronto Chiropractor recommends that you try these exercises for two weeks. If you don’t see results after two weeks you should see a professional. If you are in Toronto look for the best Toronto Chiropractor.

See Also: Keep The Bunion Surgeon Away

Tell us what you think in the comments below and like us on Facebook. This Toronto Downtown Chiropractor will answer all questions in the comments section.

Warning:  If you are diabetic with foot ulcers or neuropathy or have a skin infection on your foot, you should not do these exercises.

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  • Heel spur discomfort is often attributed to plantar fasciitis, with exercises like plantar fascia stripping and cross-friction techniques offering relief by addressing the root causes. Additionally, tennis ball releases and custom orthotics can alleviate discomfort, while going barefoot may benefit those without specific orthotic needs.

  • Thanks for helping me understand that heel spurs would usually be symptoms and not the cause of the issue. I have to tell my sister about this because she might be experiencing this right now at the age of 30. She should find a heel spurs care facility to get herself checked and find the underlying cause of the problem to get the most appropriate treatment for it as soon as possible.

  • Hi Dr Ken !!! you mention above …”putting down calcium deposit ” what do you mean about it ?
    i do have a spur just recently …i am standing up all day do i need custom Orthotics ?
    Kind regards Olivia

    • Post

      Thanks for your question Olivia. Putting down calcium deposits means that the body sees an injury and attempts to heal it. So the adds calcium into the tendon of the muscles of the foot. Most spurs are painless and are not the cause of pain so if there is no pain, don’t do anything about it. If you have pain try doing the exercises here in this article first. If that doesn’t help you may consider orthotics.

      Hope that helps your heel spurs.

      • Thanks !!! these last 3 days i am in pain especially at the end of the day and morning …is massaging the muscle calf good to do ? ….the x-ray showed i have a small dorsal calcaneal spur and i think its at the back of the heel and not under it so is there a difference between them two ? …anyway i am doing the exercises you have here and see how i go…. kind regards Olivia

        • Post

          Thanks for your question Olivia. The heel spur is related to the achilles and not the arch of the foot. Usually, they are both painless and have nothing to do with your pain and certainly in case, this is true. This is an opinion and not a recommendation.

          Hope that helps your plantar fasciitis / heel spur.

  • I have been searching the internet for the cause of my heel pain and how to manage it at home to get some relief … I have been reading a lot but your site was the first one I have encountered that had some specific exercises that I can do them myself at home … I have been suffering from heel pain in my left foot for about a month , it was very faint at the beginning and only in the morning after getting out of bed , but now I feel it all the time, and it is worse in the morning and in the evening. I stand a lot and walk downhill for 15 min every other day, I don’t have flat feet, I don’t wear high heels but on the contrary I wear high quality comfortable padded shoes. Do you think visiting a chiropractor will imrprove my condition? Regarding the exercises mentioned above , for how long and how many times a day? Thank you for your informative helpful site.

    • Post

      Thanks for your question Hasnaa. First heel pain can be from your lower back or your ankle in addition to heel itself. Yes, surprisingly pain just in the heel without any lower back pain or leg pain can be caused by your lower back. I see it from time to time. Yes going to a chiropractor can possibly help if the problem is from the lower back.

      Regarding the exercises, you should do them for a few minutes each day and expect to be worse temporarily (10 minutes). If you feel sharp pain or are continually getting worse you should stop the exercises right away. This is an opinion and not a recommendation.

      Hope that helps your plantar fasciitis or heel spur.

  • I was told my spur is behind my Achilles on both feet. The pain is unbearable on my right angle..it even burns at times, I have not been able to wear shoes that cover my heel in back..backless shoes are hard to find. I have done 2 rounds of therapy..but now I’m where I can’t bare much more..what kind of surgery is there ? Time down? Who should I call for advice..I’ve already seen a podiatrist .. This is causing my hips to hurt also..i limp a lot.
    any advice you can give me is appreciated
    Janet Reese.

  • I recently had back surgery in January I’m up and walking great no more back pain?now what happens is when I stretch my legs in the morning I feel a sharp stab pain just for 1minute before I get out of bed on my left heel. After that no pain and everything is good should I still use tennis ball method ?

    • Post

      Thanks for your question Dale. You sound like you are bending forward to touch your toes. If you are I wouldn’t do those exercises. I wouldn’t do any exercises to stretch your legs. You’re likely to put out back again if you do.

      Hope that helps your plantar fasciitis.

Dr Ken Nakamura downtown Toronto Chiropractor
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Dr. Ken, has been recognized as the Best Toronto Chiropractor in 2024, 2023, and 2018, here in downtown Toronto. As a sports chiropractor, he excels in treating a wide range of conditions including concussions, temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ), sports-related injuries, and spinal issues. Beyond his clinical skills, Dr. Ken is an accomplished athlete, having represented Ontario in the Canadian Judo Championships and completed the Toronto Marathon on two occasions. He employs the innovative C3 Program to provide targeted and effective care to his patients, ensuring a holistic approach to their well-being and athletic performance.